Iconic Architecture at the Christ Cathedral Campus

LPA has been working with the Diocese of Orange to bring the Christ Cathedral campus Arboretum into the 21st century without disturbing the architectural significance of its rich history. The Diocese acquired the Arboretum in February 2012. It was the original worship area for the Crystal Cathedral Ministries, and is now serving as the temporary home for the relocated St. Callistus parish.

Originally designed to be cutting-edge in 1961, the 22,000-square-foot building needed aesthetic and technological updates. The Arboretum is part of the 34-acre campus of the future Christ Cathedral, located in the heart of Orange County in Garden Grove, Calif. Richard Neutra, one of Southern California's most celebrated architects was hired by Rev. Robert Schuller for the project.

Partnering with the Diocese of Orange and the Christ Catholic Cathedral Corporation, the entity charged with the management of the site, LPA applied sustainable design decisions appropriately to achieve a balance between the needs of the Church and the preservationist's desire for flawless preservation.