Police Services of Salinas Headquarters

The new Salinas Public Safety Center replaced the City’s 65-year-old existing facility with a modern police headquarters that addresses the community’s operational requirements and long-term goals.

The 69,230-square-foot headquarters, developed through a public-private partnership with Griffin Structures and Swinterton, was shaped by extensive engagement with the community and local stakeholders. The facility provides a new welcoming environment for the public, with a level of safety and security that did not exist in the older facility.

The design brings a new level of technology and flexibility to the department’s operations, including state-of-the-art evidence storage areas, a forensic laboratory, SWAT training and ready rooms, and a customizable firearms proficiency and training facility. The facility was split into two buildings; shifting nonessential functions into a separate building helped reduce construction costs and create more opportunities to develop specialized training and investigation spaces.